Students can access computers in the library during regular library hours.
There are 103 computers available for student use on the first and second floors of the library located in North Campus.
Computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. School work and school-related research are the priority use of the computers in the library.
There are also many stations available for learners to plug in their own laptop or a laptop borrowed from the Circulation Desk.
The library computers have up-to-date versions of Microsoft programs including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher, as well as specialized programs needed for specific courses, such as AutoCAD, Cornerstore, and QuickBooks.
Laptops, headphones, and other equipment are available for loan to students. Equipment can be used outside the library as long as it is returned to the circulation desk on time.
List of equipment available at the library:
- Laptops
- Mouse devices
- Headphones
- Display adapters
- Phone chargers
- Calculators
- White board markers and erasers
- Green screen
- Stabilizing gimbal
- Tripod
- Clickers