
If your instructor is using the Discussions tool, they will create topics. Each topic usually refers to a specific assignment or exercise. When you make a discussion post, everyone in your class is able to see what you wrote and reply to it. You are also able to comment on your classmates' posts.

The following video and instructions will guide you through using the Discussions tool.



Discussions are course specific. Not all instructors will use the discussions tool. Ask your instructor whether they will use discussions in their course.

1. Select the course that you want to read or write a discussion in.

Hamburger icon highlighted to select classes in D2L 

2. Choose the course that has the discussion thread you are wanting to read or write.

3. After you have selected the course, click the Communication tab.

Communication tab highlighted in D2L 

4. On the Communication drop-down menu, click Discussions

Discussions option highlighted in D2L Communication menu

1. To post a message, first, click Select a course.

Hamburger icon highlighted to select classes in D2L 

2. Choose the course that has the discussion thread you are wanting to post in.

3. After you have selected the course, click Communication. 

Communication tab highlighted in D2L 

4. On the Communication drop-down menu, click Discussions.

Discussions option highlighted in D2L Communication menu 

5. Click the topic that you want to post in.

Discussion post topic highlighted in D2L 

6. Once you have opened the topic, click Start a New Thread.

Start A New Thread Button Highlighted in Discussions Section of D2L Course 

7. A new window will open, type in a subject and a message. When you are finished, click Post.

Subject line and body of discussion post filled out with Post button highlighted in Communications section of D2L course 

8. After you click Post, your message will be posted.

1. To read a discussion thread, click select a course.

Hamburger icon highlighted to select classes in D2L 

2. Choose the course that has the discussion thread you are wanting to read.

3. After you have selected the course, click Communication.

Communication tab highlighted in D2L 

4. On the Communication drop-down menu, click Discussions.

 Discussions option highlighted in D2L Communication menu

5. Click the topic where the thread is located.

Discussion post topic highlighted in D2L 

6. Once you have opened the topic, locate the discussion thread that you want to read. Click the thread to open it.

Discussion post topic highlighted in D2L 

7. Once the thread is open, you are able to read the original post and any replies.

1. To reply to a discussion thread, Click Select a course.

Hamburger icon highlighted to select classes in D2L 

2. Choose the course that has the discussion thread you are wanting to reply to.

3. After you have selected the course, click Communication.

Communication tab highlighted in D2L 

4. On the Communication drop-down menu, click Discussions.

Discussions option highlighted in D2L Communication menu 

5. To reply to a discussion thread, click the Topic that you want to respond to.

Discussion post topic highlighted in D2L 

6. Once you open the topic, click the Thread that you would like to reply to.

 Subject Line of Thread Highlighted to click and reply to in Discussions section of D2L Course

7. The thread will open and display on the screen. Click Reply to Thread located under the post.

  Reply to Thread button highlighted in communications section of D2L course

8. Type in a message, then click Post, located on the left-hand side at the bottom of the window.

Reply field filled out and Post button highlighted in Discussions section of D2L course 

9. After you click Post, your message will be added to the discussion thread.

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